Eazy Fractions 2

Advanced fractions calculator

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Fractions at your fingertips
Use our App for easy and convenient calculations with fractions.
Add, subtract, multiply, divide and compare. Mix fractions, decimals and integers and see the results as a fraction, decimal or percentage.
Like it's predecessor, EAZY Fractions 2 will make checking your own or your child's calculations a breeze.
Eazy Fractions 2 is more convenient, quicker, nicer and more versatile.
Use for any kind of fraction calculations - simple or complex - at home or work
  • You can now compare many more numbers, not only fractions but also decimals. You can even compare the results of calculations.
  • Your results are saved automatically. You can reload previous calculations and modify them or recalculate.
  • While the intuitive user interface makes using EAZY Fractions 2 as simple and convenient as it gets, the App provides help and examples to demonstrate functions and get you started quickly.
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Eazy Fractions 2 - download from the App Store